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Articles by Amanda_Sinn

Amanda_Sinn 51 M
3  Articles
Do people even bother to read   12/11/2019

Why is it when someone contacts you they usually start with “what are you looking for” it’s funny because if you read people’s profile you know what they are looking for and you do to ask. Ano

0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes
Amanda_Sinn 51 M
3  Articles
Why not be truthful   12/11/2019

Not understanding when a post says looking for xyz and you chat back and forth for a while then last minute they say they are married and cannot go thru with the plans. I don’t get it why waste some

0 Comments, 13 Views, 0 Votes
Amanda_Sinn 51 M
3  Articles
Flakes   12/11/2019

Why is it that it seems most people here are total flakes. They talk a good game then when it’s time to meet they never show.

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes